Monday, June 25, 2007

Bloomberg waves rainbow flag in pride parade

Link Elizabeth Edwards says she is fine with same-sex marriage. This puts her somewhat opposite her husband. I'm afraid for me there's no collateral benefit from that, unless she convinces her husband to change his stance.
Meanwhile, possible long shot independent candidate Bloomberg marches in the New York pride parade along with Mayor Ed Koch. Although Bloomberg is left-handed, he apparently isn't gay -- he is seeing a girlfriend after divorcing his wife of 19 years. I think I'd vote for Bloomberg if he ran, although it depends on whether he's got a chance or not. He's expressed his opinion that he is for same-sex marriage, although somewhat muddled by the city filing an appeal to a ruling for same-sex marriage. Still, his entrance could be like a Ralph Nader and screw the country with another 'W'. But then again no one could be as bad as 'W' though.

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