Thursday, August 10, 2006

Men and women think differently

Link Economist story about innate differences between men and women. It's not PC to say so, but the scientific data indicates the difference exists. Several interesting data points mentioned:

  • Even primate males generally like trucks and balls and primate females mostly prefer dolls.
  • Men use more grey matter. Women use more white matter.
  • Women are better at spelling. Men are better at spatial tasks.
  • Women can be trained to improve at spatial tasks...

The last one is an interesting thing to ponder. Despite the genetic and/or developmental differences, some gaps can be bridged through training...

To visit this in context of a recurrent theme on this blog, could a gay guy be trained to be straight? There have been attempts to force this conversion in the past, electro-shock therapy etc. Even when conversion was the desired outcome of the patient, it was rarely if ever successful.

I'm not sure, but I suppose some things just aren't really trained, they're more like instincts. I mean when you like the way something looks -- take the recent BMW 5-series, some people like it, and some people are repulsed -- it's not readily changeable. For example, if you dislike the car, although people could try influence you to see their point of view about high trunk-lids being strong, bold, and attractive, it would likely not truly change your mind. Just not your cup of tea, maybe?

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