Saturday, July 08, 2006

More older brothers, more gayness

By now everyone has read this or heard this. Essentially a statistically significant study was conducted showing that with more older brothers the percentage likelihood of a boy being gay increased from 2% to 5%. Now 2% is pretty low. I was just thinking that with smaller families in developed countries, this means that there are less gay males being born than before in percentage and perhaps raw terms. A little sad from my single gay male numbers perspective...

Reasonable straight people might conversely say that's a good thing because being gay is admittedly more difficult for a person in today's society than being straight. But this is a poorly thought out (if also rather insensitive) response. Being gay is difficult because society makes it difficult. If society accepted being gay as "just part of the mysterious nature of the natural world", it wouldn't be difficult and in fact maybe it would be slightly celebrated. It's rare and unique and different and fun. Similar reasoning holds for wishing for a 'cure', wishing gay people were not gay -- Xmen3 plotline musings.

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