Thursday, March 16, 2006

Military quietly letting out gays fight in Iraq

-- sep 14

Looks like the military is saying that having gays serve in Iraq is fine even though violations of don't ask, don't tell are occurring. It's a manuever which feels wrong in that it only benefits the military in getting bodies fighting in Iraq but does not erase official condemnation and exclusion that is reflected by don't ask don't tell which more or less explicitly says that gays are not fit to serve in the military due to their impact on 'morale'. This new policy allowing out gays would not have been implemented if indeed there was a negative impact. For consistency, I think eventually don't ask, don't tell ban should be lifted considering this current policy is being implemented and soldiers are serving without any observed negative impact.

-- oct 12

An Advocate columnist says that gays shouldn't fight in the military since the military doesn't allow them to be open about a key part of themselves. A little case of easier said than done; I would guess many gays in the military have made a career of it and maybe even enjoy it with the great caveats. Not something you throw away easily just on principle. Plus, if one suddenly relishes the principle of honesty, it doesn't get one out of combat service these days... We need the military to openly accept gays and stop this hypocrisy.

I read today that Thailand's military will now accept gays. It's sad that we're socially behind Thailand.

-- mar 16, 2006

The Royal Navy will allow officers to wear their uniforms in a pride parade.

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