Monday, September 19, 2005

AB849 support from bay area religious leaders

An Open Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger Regarding Gay Marriage

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

As religious leaders in Santa Clara County, we are writing to encourage you to sign AB849 into law. We believe that this law is fair, appropriate, and needed! Our state laws should support all of our citizens, not just those who happen to be heterosexual. Our state should support the right of all consenting adults to marry.

We respect religious diversity. Some churches and faith communities embrace and support same-sex marriage, other churches and faith communities do not. We recognize and uphold the right of each minister, faith community, and denomination to determine on their own which couples they will marry and which couples they will not. However, this is a decision that should be made by people of faith within their own communities. It is not a decision that should be imposed on churches by the governor's office.


Rev. Michael Patrick Ellard, Senior Pastor
Rev. Victoria S. Kolakowski, Scholar in Residence
The Metropolitan Community Church of San Jose

Rev. Beate Chun, Pastor
Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Rev. David J Harvey, Pastor
Celebration Of Faith, Praise and Worship Center

Rev. Jerry Fox, Pastor
St. Paul's United Methodist Church

Rev. Elane O'Rourke, Pastor
Campbell United Church of Christ

Bill Welch, President
Dignity/San Jose, a local chapter of DignityUSA
An inclusive Roman Catholic faith community

Rev. Karen F. Siegfriedt, Rector
St. Jude the Apostle Episcopal Church, Cupertino

Rev. Dr. Roger Wharton, Chaplain
SJSU Campus Ministry - sjSPIRIT.ORG

Rev. Margo Tenold and Rev. Dr. Diana Gibson,
Co-Executive Directors,
The Council of Churches of Santa Clara County

Rev. Nancy Peters, Minister
First Congregational Church of San Jose

Rev. Melanie Patton Colpaart, Pastor
Conscious Living Center of Los Altos
A Member Church of Religious Science International

Rev. David Mundy, Ministry Liaison
The Central California/Nevada Sub Region of MCC

Judy Rickard, Roberta Etheredge, and Gertrude Welch
Members of the Gay Ministry Committee,
Council of Churches of Santa Clara County

Rev. Michelle Webber,
Foothills Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

Rev. Bran Scott, Pastor
New Community of Faith
American Baptist Convention / United Church of Christ

Rev. Ellen Grace O'Brian, Spiritual Director
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

Stephanie Flaniken, Clerks' Committee Representative
San Jose Friends Meeting (Quakers)

Rev. David Bruner, Senior Minister
Center for Spiritual Living
United Church of Religious Science

The Very Reverend David Bird, Dean and Rector
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Rev. David Sunday,
Independent, Interfaith Minister

Rev. Roger Jones, Pastor
Rev. Michelle Favreault, Minister of Religious Education
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sunnyvale

Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto


Michael Patrick Ellard, Senior Pastor
MCC San Jose
P.O. Box 388
San Jose, CA 95103
(408) 607-5471 - Direct Line
(408) 279-2711 - Church Office

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