Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Times Select / Nov 6-12 free (sort-of)

A lot of the articles which I link to from this blog are from the New York Times. Something pretty annoying about the Times is that some articles get placed into the paid portion of the site called TimesSelect after a short amount of time. Not everyone wants to pay money to access the TimesSelect.

Well, so the poor (my case: cheap) man's solution is to read about the article or read snippets of it (or sometimes major portions of it where people have quoted much of it) on people's blogs using a blog search tool such as . You can do a search based on the title in double quotes -- this looks for the words in the particular order matching the title.

The other solution is to read my postings not long after they get posted, so that the 'free' link is still active to the Times. Usually the free link is active for a minimum of a week.

-- updated 11/3

Link Philips is sponsoring Times Select from Monday Nov 6 through Sunday Nov 12.

Also, it appears that you no longer need to log into the Times to read articles. One less password to remember, and blog links will work for everyone, yay!

-- updated 11/8

It looks like with the free preview, you can only see the Editorials which are under Times Select. You can't see the archived materials. Bummer.

Here's some cool editorials:

Frank Rich on Truthiness overtaking reality in news.
Maureen Dowd on Cheney-Rumsfeld.
Thomas Friedman on how Bush sees Americans as stupid.
Paul Krugman on Bechtel leaving Iraq infrastructure in a mess now that its contract is "complete"
Thomas Friedman on how a good outcome is no longer an option in Iraq
Maureen Dowd on the mother party beats the impotent father party

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