Saturday, November 06, 2004

Diatribe against Bush supporters

So, everywhere church-going folks say that morality is why they voted for W. They say they feel they are oppressed in not being able to express their beliefs, but can any of them say they are more oppressed than members of the LGBT community? Has a religious person in America ever been killed because he or she went to church? Has anyone ever shouted epithets and threats at them on the street or even at school or work because of the cross they wear? And when religious christians flex their will in 11 states to prevent marriage between persons who happen to be of the same gender or even civil unions, can they truly claim to be oppressed? Perhaps they are oppressed in not being able to oppress others into their same beliefs. And so well, I find this selfish morality of theirs hypocritical and sickening. But at least, they are consistent in that their "hero" Bush is a perfect exemplar of this doubtful and inverted morality. May history show them to be the godless, selfish, immoral, and ignorant beasts that they are.

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